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Theresa Corvino


Property Master Craft Representative

As a Property Master for the last decade, I cut my teeth in low budget features before joining the union through new media, the wild west of filmmaking, then graduated to higher budget film and television. That gave me a unique perspective into how studios are finding creative new ways to exploit crew, and the gymnastics we have to navigate to succeed. The union has been behind in addressing the shifting industry.


We deserve better. Fresh ideas and a willingness to try new strategies is needed for our craft to thrive. Over the past several years, I have volunteered at Local 44 through the bylaws committee, steering committee, and contract negotiations. At the PMG, I have been a driving force for propelling our craft forward (Awards Show, Prop Culture Magazine, IMDb improvements…) Scroll down for more on the work I have already achieved for our craft. I don’t want to spend three more years hearing excuses about roadblocks and delays that keep members from getting what they need. I am asking for your vote as Property Master Craft Representative to have the opportunity to work with you to find better ways forward.

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Accomplishments at Local 44

Accomplishments at Property Masters Guild

Future Goals for Property Masters

Working Conditions

I will work hard to hear member issues and bring them to negotiations to improve Property Master specific working conditions including rates, rentals, minimum staffing, other important issues the craft recognizes.

I will focus on creating resources and guides to empower Property Masters at work to understand their rights and resources in an easy-to-reference format.


I will work with Local 44 to create a Property Master training program to help members build necessary skills including training in new technologies and programs beyond work, such as mental health and financial literacy.

Navigating the Future

I will work with Local 44 and industry leaders to navigate the changing landscape of the industry to create pathways to bring jobs back to LA, promote the excellence of Local 44 Property Masters to studios, and advocate to state and federal legislatures to encourage local tax incentives.

Building a New Local

I will work hard to modernize, streamline, and reorient Local 44 back on serving its members' needs.

Meeting Member Needs

I will be accessible to members one-on-one for direct communication, create regular feedback surveys, and foster an environment of collaboration. I want members to feel empowered to speak up and know I will hear them.

Tell Me What You Think

Working for members means listening to members. Tell me what you wish the Local was doing for you. Tell me what you need. Tell me your ideas.

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